
Loved actually

I once went to stay at a wealthy friends’ amazing family home.Their local status was obvious. Every person we saw on our many walks was highly deferencial. The rooms of…

On the rocks

Sometimes I am so vulnerable. This week I felt shipwrecked, spewed out on a lonely coastal rock formation by someone’s words (and lack of them.) I felt suddenly lost, large…


Some people get ‘road rage.’ Friends of ours have just returned from climbing Kilimanjaro complaining of ‘zip rage.’ I, however, get ‘face cream advert’ rage. I mean, COME ON! They…

You are what you eat

One of my brothers is a medic. He is so enthusiastically organic that his forehead could be biannually stamped by the soil association. He keeps a pristine allotment the size…


In my childhood days, we lived in an enormous 7 bedroomed vicarage. Our home had an infamous ‘kitchen drawer’ in which an intriguing spectrum of objects were kept. Radiator keys,…

Leaving the fold?

I recently read an article about reasons people are leaving church. My father was a vicar and the church was adjacent to our garden. He spent hours with parishioners after…

Fully Man

I heard a talk recently in which a friend posed this fascinating question: ‘How many times did Jesus ask a question He already knew the answer to?’ I think the…

Be still

God told me today to ‘Be still and know that He is God.” So I am… and He is.

Copy Right

I am no Greek scholar but I do know that the Greek word for ‘disciple’ is ‘mathetes’ (don’t be too impressed, I had to look it up to check the…

End times

If I had a hat, I’d take it off to the poor news broadcasters struggling to pronounce the name of the volcano that has recently erupted in Iceland. On paper,…