Thank you today that you know my heart. Nothing is hidden from you.
Thank you that you know my desires, my fears, my hurts.
Thank you that you understand things I do not have even the tiniest grasp of.
Your love for me is not swayed by my circumstances, my will, my knowledge or my faith. It is not impressed by my desires, my passions or my words. It does not change depending on who I am with, what I am reading or what I sing.
You are constant.
You are faithful.
You are.

Father, today as I assess something precious that I have sacrificed on your altar, I know you know what I am doing. Even though I am not sure of any of the outcomes. I know you have asked me to lay something down.
I trust you that this clean break is the best way to heal and the best way to grow and move on.

Thank you that obedience doesn’t always mean understanding. It sometimes means blindly holding on.
Today I feel blind. I feel unsure of my next steps. I don’t know who is with me.
Except you.
Thank you that you KNOW all things about me.

I love you.