There is nothing like a kiss.
I won’t lie to you. I am a big fan.

But, kisses can be wholly unpleasant if given in the wrong way at the wrong time by the wrong person.
I once had a (short-lived) boyfriend whose kiss was an unfortunate and inexplicable mixture of sucking… and blowing. It felt more like a powerful vacuuming than a tender embrace. The kind of kiss where you had to check your teeth were still there afterwards. Shudder.

Nice guy though. But I couldn’t endure the kissing. EEK!

I have two other strong memories of amazing kisses. One was an incredibly romantic evening down by the River in Durham during heady undergraduate days after a ball… another was perched on the edge of a mattress on the floor in the middle of a party… we were utterly oblivious of anyone else being present, so locked into one another’s faces were we that night.

Then he dumped me and is now married to someone called Gwen. Or Sheila. Or some such name. As it goes, I am glad because I got to marry an even better kisser. So it was win win for me!:)

Ingrid Bergman is said to have quipped, “A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous.”
How perfectly right she is! Except in one sense. Kissing was designed by God. Not Nature. Nature was made by God. Therefore Kissing was made by God.

Worship of God can be like a kiss. It can stop you in your tracks and take your breath away. It can hold you speechlessly grateful, aware of power beyond measure and grace unimaginable. It can feel intimate, like there is no-one else in the room. It doesn’t matter if you are male of female, the same sense can be experienced.

One of the greek words for worship (proskuneo) means to bend and to kiss. I like that.

So today God I kiss you with my life. I worship you with myself, with all I am and who I long to be. I worship you for all you have done for me and in me. I am kissing you. I am NOT hoovering you.