Mum’s arrival in Heaven
As I write this I am indescribably tired and numb.
I cannot quite process the events of the last few days…
But on the 40th day after my Mummy was diagnosed with as many cancers as a human body can possibly hold, she was promoted to glory.
17th June 2012 aged 68.
They say life begins at 40. Mum’s certainly has!
I cannot explain how wonderfully peaceful and beautiful her death was. She left this earth, in my arms, and my Dad’s arms. A single tear (the only one she had cried to my knowledge) fell from her eye. My brother and his wife and my eldest brother were also there… so lovely to share this moment with them.
We had just sung to her a few songs from her childhood – and ours.
“Two little eyes to look to God…”
“Little boy kneels at the foot of the bed…”
I played her a song I had written that was her favourite of my creations…
I played her one of the arias in Handel’s Messiah “I know that my Redeemer liveth…”
I can’t really start to tell you anything about how I am feeling. There are such a jumble of thoughts and emotions – many of them conflicting (as I am sure those of you who have suffered what feels like untimely grief will know…)
But I have a few thoughts to offer:
1. Death is merely a horizon and a horizon is merely the limit of our sight. It is not a REAL line.
2. Whilst I cannot see my Mum anymore I have not LOST her. I know exactly where she is.
3. Also, she did not lose her fight with cancer (as so many often say)
She has won the prize Christ set out for her.. and what a glorious one that would be!
4. She is united with Christ and the ‘Great cloud of witnesses’ with Him.
5. The BIG C is not Cancer. I have found it to be CHRIST. He is my all. He always has been and always will be SUFFICIENT for me.
May the Lord bless you and keep you and help you to know this for yourselves today.
This was one of Mum’s favourite pieces of music… I share it with you as I say goodbye to my darling Mummy.