Awkwardness makes other people feel awkward. It’s catching, like ‘flu. If I am awkward in a situation then it will not allow other people around me to feel at ease. Just try having a panic attack in a lift. You’ll see what I mean!

Many people are awkward socially. They just can’t help it. They feel ill-at-ease around certain types of people, or in certain situations- large gatherings, small parties, dinner settings, formal occasions… we all have our ‘habitat of awkwardness.’

So what is yours?
Where do you feel most uncomfortable and why?
I am not talking about feeling scared – like suddenly being surrounded by a gang of loud-mouthed youths on a train, but awkward – like you don’t know how to behave and what to do…

I can remember a number of times at Uni especially when I felt ‘out of my depth’ socially. I had a collection of friends, some of whom were jolly well-heeled and Daddy DID have a plane, a polo field and a Condo on a beach somewhere…Small etiquettes such as not cutting the nose off the Brie, or not placing your knife in the butter were quickly learnt. I was a vicar’s daughter whose idea of a good meal was a hastily prepared Spag Bol. Steak Tartare was not on my mother’s repertoire of catering. A fact I am more than pleased about. Raw minced cow is not something I relish. Not without a LOT of relish.

I think the most awkward time for most of us is when we are teenagers; when your body is ambushing you, trying its best to be something it isn’t, you are still trying to work out why you are covered in spots and why your hair looks like you’ve smeared it liberally with the cheapest lard Netto sell…

I was amused to read this today…

The word ‘adolescent’ comes from one of two Latin verbs spelt adoleo. One means ‘to make bigger’ and the other means ‘to emit a smell’.

That is FUNNY!

Does that mean that putting them both together you get… “making a bigger smell”??

Whatever your social standing or background, it is possible to feel comfortable with everyone. I am learning that it isn’t what I say, or what I do that will allow others around me to feel at ease. It is largely who I am and whose presence I carry. Same for you.

If you are indwelt by the spirit of the living God, (He who fashioned the whole of the universe, including those that you are currently with) then you have the right to talk to anyone… be they chic or sheikh, freak or fake, meek or mean, dirty or clean, humble or loud, shy or proud, famous or hermit, you need no other permit…

Just say the name of Jesus in your head, or out loud instead.
He is the reason that I no longer feel I need to feel or make others feel, awkward.

That feels nice.
Thank you God.