Following on from yesterday, what can we do to prevent ‘Coronanxiety’ landing on our hearts?

1. Prayer versus panic.

The more time we spend prayerfully giving ourselves, our situations and our world to God, the better we will feel and the more able we will be to be a blessing to others. Psalm 94:19 recognises that we have times when we experience great fear. It says, “When anxiety was great within me..” but it goes on to conclude, “… your consolation brought me joy.”

What does God’s consolation look like? Perhaps it is right-sizing His perspective, His promises, His plans and His peace.

If we remember that God is on the throne of our lives, that His promises to us are not delayed or destroyed, that His plans to prosper us are totally unthwarted by world events, we will stay in peace.

2. Practising ‘normal’

It is so important in these weird days that we try and keep routines (as much as we can) for our children. So, even if they are at home now due to their school being shut, (or due to illness) think about how you can give them something they are used to. Comforting food, a chat on the phone to Grandma, a story they love… all of these things will help them to feel reassured and loved. Also, you might want to try debugging some of those crazy myths they may have heard on the playground! Try and ask them questions and answer their questions too. This will help keep their anxieties to a minimum.


Remember, you are equipped for this. God saw it coming and placed you in the middle of it. So don’t be tempted to wimp out and think you can’t handle it all. God is really good at knowing our limits and our capacity. The Bible tells us that Jesus said, “In this world you will have trouble” (John 16:33a). The key is found in Jesus’ next words, “But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33b).