Cutting back

Kenny was a fabulous little boy. One of the most memorable I have ever taught. One day, left to his own devices for a little too long, he gave himself an unfortunate and viciously short hair cut with my enormous teaching scissors. His fringe was, quite literally, completely gone. He looked very funny.
The following day, he arrived at school sporting a totally bald ‘egg head.’ The hairdresser had been left no option but to shave it all off. He looked like a cancer patient for a week or so. But he took it all with good grace. (Like he took lots of things from my classroom. And my car..)
Yesterday I had my new gardener over to trim our hedges. The poor guy spent 5 hours, in the sometimes Genesis-like rain, to bring order to the chaos left behind by many previous unskilled hackings. This morning, my hedges rejoice in neatened edges, straight lines and, in parts, somewhat unpleasant ‘see-through’ sections.
A number of times, he called me to look at his work and check the levels. Each time I went out he apologised, saying he needed to cut it back to the lowest level in that section due to the way it had been maimed before.
in order to make something grow well, sometimes it needs to be taken back to the lowest point. Some of you out there today feel at your very lowest right now. You are unsure why you feel spiritually bare and emotionally bald. Life, God, or what you call FATE has treated you harshly and you are feeling vulnerable and ‘see-through’….
Kenny’s hair grew back beautifully and made him looking even more stunning. Now he’ll look great if he appears on Crimewatch…. My hedges will apparently take two more beatings before they look as they are meant to. But then, they could enter municipal competitions.
My friend, if you feel hard done by today… if God has cut you back, or life feels as though its dealt you a bad blow, be reassured. You will grow back stronger, neater and better than you were before. So breathe deeply and trust that today…
Right…I’m off to whisper sweet promises to my attacked privet.