God’s way is the best way – by Heidi Baker

The following post was written as part of Heidi’s recent book, “Reckless Devotion” and has been used with permission:)
We have this amazing boy who lives with us called Asselmo. I love him so deeply. He is so full of joy. He is one of my little guys. He is full of passion for Jesus. He was born with Club feet so he doesn’t walk very well. For some reason that we have never truly understood, Asselmo is in many meetings where healings take place, but as yet God has not yet healed him.
One day we were on an outreach trip and Asselmo was there, as usual. I became aware in my spirit that some of my kids were being given words from God.
“Which one of you has a word of knowledge?” I asked and a whole bunch of them raised their hands. Asselmo was amongst them.
“God’s going to heal someone who can’t walk well,” he said, brimming over with excitement.
I couldn’t help but hope it was going to be him.
“Please Lord, let it be today. Let it be my boy!” I pleaded in the quiet of my heart. No-one moved or came forward.
Asselmo spoke the word again, “Jesus is going to heal someone who can’t walk.”
Out of the shadows came a woman. She was bent over from years of carrying a heavy burden. What looked like a sack on her back was actually a 3-year-old little girl who couldn’t walk. Asselmo looked at me with his cheeky grin. The Momma put the child on the dirt who fell over like a rag. She had no working muscles that could hold her up. She appeared to be lifeless, but she was breathing.
Asselmo looked at me as if to say, “Are you going to help?” I motioned back to him.
He put his own young hands on this child and the power of God hit that little girl’s body like an electric shock. She moved and strengthened in front of us. Her frame started to take shape almost like a puppet, drawn out of lifeless sleep. She sat up! Her mother started weeping and Asselmo grinned. This little one was healed. Hallelujah!
God does not do things our way. His understanding and His ways are not ours. I trust Him with my little guy, as I do with everything. He knows so much that I don’t know.