In formation

I start my day each morning by reading UCB notes. I find them a mixed bag. Like any scripture reading tool, sometimes they speak to me deeply, and other times, I dismiss them as a bit bland or irrelevant to me that day. Perhaps you are the same?
Yesterday, I read what for me was a wonderfully helpful descriptive picture. UCB allow you to copy a certain percentage of their notes so long as you credit them. So I’m doing just that today.
Credit where its due. UCB… I take my proverbial hat off to you for this simple slice of truth.
“Speaking to an anxiety-ridden crowd, Jesus said, ‘I tell you not to worry about your life… Look at the birds in the sky!’ You say, ‘What can I learn from looking at a bunch of birds?’….
Geese fly united; they don’t fly separately, in random style, because no goose alone can go that distance. They’re designed to fly in their characteristic ‘V’ formation. When a bird flaps its wings the air movement created provides an uplift, easing the workload of the bird behind it. Together, their flight range increases about 71 per cent. Even the youngest, weakest and oldest geese can make the trip. They accomplish together what they could never accomplish separately. There’s a lesson here: when the Bible says, ‘Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another…’ (Hebrews 10:25 NIV), it means, ‘Stay in fellowship with one another, and enjoy the uplift it provides.’ You’re not called to fly solo. ‘The eye cannot say to the hand, “I don’t need you!” And the head cannot say to the feet, “I don’t need you!”‘ (1 Corinthians 12:21 NIV). Occasionally a goose strays off on its own but soon becomes exhausted, loses altitude and ultimately pulls wearily back into the formation. ‘Look at the birds’, and learn.”
I have a few select of people in my life who perform this kind of ‘uplift’ for me. I am not always called to be ‘LEAD GOOSE’ but to fly behind and alongside others working in the kingdom. I don’t care who you are and how long you have been a Christian, you need a few ‘geese’ around you to help you travel the distance.
Some of you out there, and you know I’m talking to you right now, are not good at flying alongside others. You think you have to be the leader all the time. Well, guess what? You’re wrong. And I’m saying this in love. No-one, however gifted, talented, anointed or prophetic, is meant to lead ALL the time. I seamlessly swop places with those in my spiritual skein. (What a great word that is by the way.) Sometimes my wings create more uplift for them, and at other times I am grateful for their effort on my behalf.
Pray today that God would give you the right friends, the right church, the right Christian family and the right attitude to make you safe to fly with. You ain’t meant to fly solo.