Joy part 2

Today is my 15th Wedding anniversary. I can’t quite believe that I have been married to Jon THAT long!! It feels a bit too grown up for someone as childlike as me!
I do feel joyful as I write. I have been in New York this week in a wonderful apartment, with my brother and his gorgeous wife just down the road. Our most precious memories were not the sight-seeing but the hanging out with these two amazing people! Family is so precious.
Brooklyn, their home, is an awe-inspiring place to be. The very streets are covered in artwork. Everywhere you look there are thought-provoking words or pictures. Life there is vibrant and fun. As I reflect back I feel JOYful. Joy-filled if you will.
If I asked you, what would you say joy IS? It’s quite an elusive thing.
Perhaps you would say it feels and looks like happiness?
George Burns defined it as
“Having a large loving caring close knit family”¦ in another city.”
Brilliant! But for me, especially now that I have come home and left Brooklyn, this does not ring true. I miss my Sam and my Dan. Big time!
Homer simpson defined it as ‘donuts.’ I could agree with him in part… unless they are Dunkin Doughnut variety which I found both intensely greasy and scary.
CS Lewis said:
“All Joy reminds. It is never a possession, always a desire for something longer ago or further away or still ‘about to be’.”
Now that is just how I feel. Joy REMINDS us of something wonderful. It inspires us with something greater.
What do you think?
Are you joyful today? x