Strange dream!
Ok, so the weirdest conversation just happened.
I was walking to school to pick up my boys when a lady walked up to me. I don’t know her. I say hello to her every day as she picks up her children from a different school.
Today she came towards me with a strange look on her face.
“I dreamt about you last night!” she said, in a loud, quite aggressive voice. “I am really stressed at the moment because I am moving house and in my dream, you came up to me with your buggy and your kids and shouted at me not to be afraid and then you were really nice to me.”
I listened rather incredulously to her and smiled.
“That sounds like me,” I said.
“Who ARE you?” she said. “Why would you say that to me?”
Instead of answering her, I said, “What do you need?”
She looked puzzled but answered.
She listed a number of things, mainly kitchen items including a dishwasher.
“Ok. Well you have a dishwasher.” I said.
“No. I don’t actually!” she replied.
“Yes you do. Because I have two and I am going to give you one of mine,” I told her.
She looked thoroughly confused.
“Why would you do that?” she asked.
“Because I can,” I said as I walked away.
Twenty minutes later, I prayed that I would run into her again. I did.
She gave me her card and laughed at how strange our meeting was.
She was amazed at what happened.
What I have yet to tell her is that I asked around in the playground. I also now have a microwave and a TV for her.
Imagine her surprise when all that turns up in her new house?!
I sense the fragrance of Jesus!