Why do we miss the call of God?

I think it is possible to miss God’s call on your life. That in itself is a scary prospect. The thought of wasting my earthly days doing something Father has never asked me to do makes me regularly fall to my knees. I’m always checking that I am using what He has given me. I believe that our purpose is always connected to our giftedness, and that what God appoints, He then anoints…
So why is it that some of us miss that voice, that guiding Hand, that pathway – especially when it once appeared so obvious? Perhaps we have competing missions going on in our worlds? Perhaps we have goals that WE are working toward that fight with one another? Maybe we are trying to improve on some weakness somewhere instead of allowing God to maximise our strength?
As I write, I have a sense in my spirit that a number of you reading this are trying so hard in this area and feel as though you are getting nowhere. You go to bed exhausted because you haven’t been operating from the place of God’s strength. You are, in truth, giving your all but not in the right way.
Yesterday, my husband witnessed a truly touching scene. We have a sweet lady in our church called Mavis. She has Downs Syndrome and holds a uniquely precious place within the body of Christ at Ivy. She regularly brings something special to our Sundays with her warmth, humour and total disregard for decorum and etiquette of any kind. Yesterday, Mavis quite literally emptied her entire purse over the basket. She shook it hard to make sure every last penny went in before passing it on. Jon was so moved as the money fell in. There is no holding back with Mavis. She gives it her all.
As I dwelt on this picture yesterday afternoon with lovely new friends from church, I realised how mean I can be with my life at times. I can ‘go through the purse’ of my days and give God SOME of what is there, forgetting that He gave it all to me in the first place.
I read this in my UCB notes today:
“You cannot grow to your full potential if you continually work outside your core strengths. Improvement is always related to ability. Do you know what happens when you spend all your time working on your weaknesses, and never develop your strengths? If you work really hard you could claw your way up to mediocrity, but you’ll never get beyond it.”
So today, I challenge you to ‘Mavis-like’ giving of yourself. Don’t miss the call of God on your life today, wasting time trying to work those weaknesses into shape. That may not be what He has asked of you at all. Give God all of who you are and let Him make your strengths stronger, your successes longer and your purpose greater. His power is perfected in weakness anyway, is it not?